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67th Annual ICEF Scholarship Fundraiser/Luncheon
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM CST
Category: ICEF Events

Your Support Impacts the Future
Illinois Chemical Education Foundation (ICEF)
Scholarship Luncheon

Dr. Tobin Marks

Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Northwestern University 

Tobin Marks is an inorganic chemistry Professor, the Vladimir N. Ipatieff Professor of Catalytic Chemistry, Professor of Material Science and Engineering, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Professor of Applied Physics at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Among the themes of his research are synthetic organo-f-element and early-transition metal organometallic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, molecule-based photonic materials, superconductivity, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, and biological aspects of transition metal chemistry.

Marks received his B.S. from the University of Maryland in 1966 in chemistry, and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1971 under the direction of F. A. Cotton. He came to Northwestern University in the fall of 1970.

To Address the 67th Annual Scholarship Luncheon
(Proceeds to benefit the Illinois Chemical Education Foundation)

Thursday, May 23, 2024
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. CST
Attendee Check-In at 11:00 a.m.
Lunch Begins Promptly at 11:30 a.m.

Harry Caray's/Westin Hotel Ballroom
70 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard, IL 60148
(Please enter the main lobby of the Westin Hotel)

Reservation Form - CICI/ICEF Scholarship Luncheon
YES! Of Course We Will Support The Illinois Chemical Education Foundation!

To submit your donation/registration online click HERE

Sponsorship Levels: ($100 for individual ticket or $1,000 for a table of ten)

_____ Lithium Level Sponsorship @ $5,000 each
_____ Platinum Level Sponsorship @ $4,000 each
_____ Gold Level Sponsorship @ $3,000 each
_____ Silver Level Sponsorship @ $2,000 each
_____ Bronze Level Sponsorship @ $1,000 each
_____ Aluminum Level Sponsorship @ $500 each
_____ Individual ticket @ $100 each

_____ I am unable to attend, enclosed is my check for $ __________. Please consider this a contribution to the Illinois Chemical Education Foundation.

*NOTE: CICI staff will need to know in advance, how many seats each company would like to use at the luncheon. We are seating tables of ten and we anticipate that each table will have a scholarship winner and their two invited guests at the table with your company.

_____  Number of reserved seats for our company.

You may consider the remaining a contribution to the Illinois Chemical Education Foundation. NOTE: Failure to advise could result in paying for uneaten meals and reducing the amount contributed to the Foundation.

_____ Please bill me              ______ Please bill my company/or major credit cards are accepted:

____ Visa  ____ Master Card  ____ American Express  ____ Discover    CCV_____  Zip Code________

Account Number _______________________________________ Expiration Date ________________

Company Name __________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________

City, State, Zip ___________________________________________________________________

Contact _________________________________ Telephone No. ___________________________

The ICEF (36-3951983) is organized as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization under federal income tax laws. 

Please send your reservation to: Lisa Leahy, CICI, 1400 E. Touhy Ave., Suite 210, Des Plaines, IL 60018 or email PDF to [email protected]. Please make all checks payable to the Illinois Chemical Education Foundation.

The ICEF Education Committee would like to thank the CICI member companies who sponsored company named scholarships for 2024.

BMWC Constructors, Inc.
DOW Inc.
Epsilyte, LLC
Lupita Turriff (personal donation from the Turriff Family Foundation/TLC Ingredients)
Marie Curie Award (personal donation from a CICI member)
Seeler Industries
SET Environmental, Inc.

If you are interested in becoming a named company scholarship sponsor, please contact Lisa Frede, CICI, at [email protected] or 847-544-5995.