Chemical Industry Council of Illinois (CICI) Members
Mark Biel, Chief Executive Officer [email protected] or 217/522-5805
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – Governor Pritzker Orders Shelter-in-Place for Non-Essential Workers, Update on Confirmed Cases, Decontamination Services
Shelter-in-Place Order. This afternoon Governor Pritzker issued a shelter-in-place order for the state of Illinois to begin tomorrow at 5 pm, continuing until at least April 7. The order is attached to this e-mail as a pdf copy. The order does allow “Essential Critical Workers” to remain on the job. The order would include jobs specific to Chemicals, Transportation & Logistics, Critical Manufacturing, Energy, Water & Wastewater, and Hazardous Materials. The sections in the order which would cover our members are listed under 7, 9, and 12 (n) and (t). There also many other job descriptions listed in this order such as workers in grocery stores, gas stations, banks, etc.
CICI and numerous members were fundamental in illustrating to the Administration and the state’s public health officials on how essential our products and services and supply chains are in combating this outbreak. Illinois is essentially the nation’s epicenter for the production of disinfectants, cleaning products, sanitizers, sterilization, soaps and personal protective gear used in the medical community and food production as well as by the general population. While there have been some supply-chain challenges keeping up with demand, our production of these vital products is continuing. Indeed, chemistry impacts more than 96% of all manufactured goods in Illinois, many of which support basic human needs.
Update on Confirmed Cases. At the time of this e-mail, the Illinois Dept. of Public Health is reporting 5 deaths out of 585 now-confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Illinois, up 163 cases from yesterday. You can see where these cases are at through the Illinois Depart. of Public Health’s COVID 19 Illinois Map.
Decontamination Services: If you need to decontaminate and disinfect a site with regards to Covid-19, here are the following Chemical Industry Council of Illinois (CICI) members offering such services:
ERC Midwest:
Heritage Environmental Services:
SET Environmental: